louisville robotic surgery
68 yo female with a history stage IIIc ovarian cancer with optimal tumor debulking in 2013 followed by six cycles of IV/IP Taxol and Cisplatin. She developed a pelvic sidewall recurrence with hydronephrosis. She was taken to surgery for a secondary tumor debulking.
Green hysterectomy
See the contrast that ICG and FIREFLY make when doing an entire robotic hysterectomy with laser light.
With only one remaining ovary, this young woman, with a history of endometriosis, has her left ovary removed for an endometrioma. The video includes retroperitoneal dissection, ureterolysis, and resection of the mass from the colon. ICG is used to identify the IP ligament and retroperitoneal structures.
endometrioma workout video
Watch the above video with some additional edits if you want to be inspired to do a workout :)
Modified Mayo Hysterectomy
Study the technique of a modified form of the famous single clamp Mayo hysterectomy as filmed up close and personal with the da Vinci Xi Robot.